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Adult Employment and Training Programs

Our goal is to bridge gaps and contribute to both retention and recruitment efforts in our region. Explore opportunities on our comprehensive job board, tailored to your needs.

Uncover Career Insights and Resources

Delve into a wealth of career information tailored to your interests right here in San Joaquin County. From wage levels to skill requirements, educational backgrounds, and more, we've got you covered.

Empower Your Job Search

Navigate your job search efficiently with our comprehensive job search tools and resources available at your local WorkNet Center. From traditional methods like phone and fax to cutting-edge internet access and Microsoft Office tools, we equip you with everything you need for success. Plus, access copies of your resume and vital unemployment insurance information.

Chart Your Course to Success

Unsure of your career direction? Let us guide you towards your potential with our career pathway exploration services. Together, we'll map out your journey to success.

Boost Your Skills and Confidence

Assess and enhance your foundational skills with our basic skill testing and improvement programs. Whether it's improving your math and reading abilities or obtaining your GED, we're here to support your growth every step of the way.

Seize Training Opportunities

Unlock exciting training opportunities tailored to your needs. Qualify for vocational skills training, work experience, or on-the-job training. We'll also assist you in finding schools offering low or no-cost training options.

San Joaquin County WorkNet

  • (209) 468-3500
  • amata@sjcworknet.org